
The Course Feature provides a way for academic departments to showcase the courses and automatically link the Faculty member bios to the page. In addition to Graduate and Undergraduate course listing pages, a dynamic block is available to display related courses on the Faculty member’s bio page.

Add courses to your site

  1. Click on Content -> Add content -> Course in the toolbar.
  2. Complete the following fields where applicable following the help text to format correctly:
    • Add the course name, day-time, term and year.
    • Select Undergraduate or Graduate to indicate which type of course it is.
    • Choose the Faculty member from the auto-complete field (the faculty member must be added first in order for them to be available in this list).
    • Enter the link to the official Yale University online course information ( Locate the course, right-click on the link and open the course in a new window to get the URL for the class.
    • Enter the course description in the Course Description field.
  3. Click on the Save button to save the page and publish it live.
  4. The course automatically display on the Course listing based on the type of course entered.

Displaying Courses on Faculty Profiles

You can display a list of courses linked to the Faculty Profile by:

  • assigning the View: Courses: Dynamic Faculty Block to the Content Region.

Feature Specifications

Fields may be added and Views adjusted as desired.

Content Type

The Course Content Type has the following fields:

  • Course name – name of the course
  • Day/Time – Day and time the course takes place.
  • Course Status –  Graduate or Undergraduate course.
  • Course Term– Spring, Summer or Fall .
  • Professor/Faculty Member – link to Faculty Member who teaches the course.
  • Link to OCI - Link to the official Yale University Online Course listing.
  • Course Description – Description of the course.


  • Undergraduate Course Page – listing of Undergraduate courses in a Views accordion display. Page url is set to
  • Graduate Course Page – listing of Graduate courses in a Views accordion display. Page URL is set to
  • Dynamic Faculty Block – displays courses for the Faculty Member directly on their profile page.