Add Pre-Built Features

Taking advantage of YaleSites features is easy. News, Rotating Header Image, and Calendar are available and ready to use when you get your YaleSite; all you need to do is add content. Other features such as Gallery, Publications and Courses need to be enabled in the Features section of the Module listing page. Once enabled, the Content Types and Views are available for use.

Enable Modules

  1. Click on Modules > Scroll down to the Features section of the listing.
  2. Locate the Feature you want to enable, click on the checkbox and then the Save configuration button.

Adding Content

  1. Click on Add content and select the Content Type for the feature you selected (i.e. for the News you would select Content -> Add content -> News
  2. Add content in the appropriate fields.
  3. Pages, blocks and views are dynamically created based on the features.