Calendar & Events

The Calendar and Events listing feature provides a way to capture your events and list them in various displays, including a calendar grid. In addition to listing events added directly to your YaleSite, you can also pull events from the Calendar and the Yale University Calendar (Yale Bedework Calendar Feature) and display them within your YaleSite.

Adding Events to your site

  1. Click on Content -> Add content -> Event in the toolbar.
  2. Complete the following fields where applicable:
    • Add a title for the page
    • Upload an image (optional)
    • Enter the location of the event
    • Choose a date from the pop-up calendar if it is different from today’s date.
    • If your event has an ending time/date, click on the Show End Date check box to add an end date and time.
    • Enter a description of the event in the Description field.
  3. Click on the Save button to save the page and publish it live.

Feature Specifications

Content Type

The Event Content Type has the following fields:

  • Title – title of the event
  • Image – upload field; the image displays in the upper left corner of the landing page and as the thumbnail in the event listing page; this field is optional.
  • Event location: location where the event takes place.
  • Event time – date of the event; can add an end time by checking the Show End Date or indicate All Day.
  • Event description –  main body content including links, images, etc. Images that are uploaded should be placed below the first paragraph, as the image field displays in the upper left corner of the landing page.
  • URL alias - event/page-title
  • Events listing page – listing of 10 most recent events; full pager displays below when 11 or more events are available. The Page URL is set to
  • Calendar Grid Block – displays the current month in a calendar grid with previous and next arrows that move through the months to find future events; each day that has an event is a clickable link that displays events for that day.
  • Upcoming Events Block – links to the 10 most recent events; a ‘More’ events link points to a full page listing of events with a pager.
  • Past Events Block – links to the 12 most recent months, and has a listing of event archives. This block only displays as archives are available.
  • Day, Week, Month and Year – displays the events page by Day, Week, Month and Year.