Importing a Google Calendar using Feeds Aggregator

You can import a Google Calendar into your site using Feeds Aggregator. This imports the events in an RSS feed-like format, with very little control over how the events display. 

Enabling Feeds Aggregator

  1. Enable the Feeds Aggregator Module.
  2. Select Modules, check Aggregator and click Save Configuration.

Creating a Feed

  1. Select Configuration > Web Services > Feed Aggregator.
  2. Under Feed Overview select Add Feed.
  3. Add Feed Title and URL for the feed you are importing (i.e.……).
  4. Select amount of items to import.

Important Note: Remember to click Update Items after creating feed or your feed will remain in 0 items until the next Feeds Pull.

You will now have a block with your issued title that can be assigned to any region within your YaleSite.