
A blog is a group of web pages that are arranged in the order and grouped by a specific topic or relevant terms. Blogs are not much different than websites, but there are some subtle differences:

  • Blogs are updated frequently, with chronologically-ordered, dated posts.  A website is usually more static with information about the department or organization is represents.
  • By default, blogs allow the reader to interact with the content, posting comments to the individual articles and even linking from your site to their content.
  • Content is usually categorize by topic using taxonomies.
  • Blogs can allow a variety of authors to to post content.

Enable the Blog module

  1. Go to Modules > Blog
  2. Click on the check box and scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on the Save Configuration button.

The Blog post content type is now be available and any entries you make will display at the following URL:

Managing Blog Categories

You create categories for your Blog, with taxonomy. See Creating Categories with Taxonomy.


It is very common to allow site visitors to comment on Blog entries. This is possible when  permissions are set prior to the blog entries being created. For more information visit Managing comments.

Important note: If your blog allows multiple authors and/or site visitors to comment on your site, it is recommended you put a disclaimer statement to the effect that the opinions expressed on the Blog are not necessarily those of the organization/department hosting the site. Additionally, the group hosting the Blog must regularly review or moderate content and provide ways for people to report inappropriate posts. It is recommended that each organization/department provide a statement from that content will be removed at the discretion of the organization/department .