Creating the Rotating Text View

Once your have Content Type created, you can begin to create the View that will rotate each quote using transitions to move from one to the next. 

  1. Enable the Views Slideshow and Views Slideshow Cycle Modules.
  2. Select Structure > Views > Add new view from the administrator toolbar.
  3. Create a new view following the image below. 
    Create a page (list of quotes) and block display using the Slideshow format.
  4. When you click on Continue & Edit you are brought to the Views interface. This can seem a little intimidating until it’s broken down into smaller chunks. 
  5. Add and configure Faculty Member, Body, and Date fields

  6. Rearrange the order of the fields; click on the Add icon and select rearrange
  7. Add filters to determine what types of content will display and in what order.