Insert Block

Module Type: 
Sitewide Tags: 

Insert Block allows you to embed blocks into the body of your page without any intensive coding. You just need to identify the Block “Delta” and paste a line code in the body of the page where you want the block to display. 

What’s a Block Delta?

In simple terms, the Delta of a block is machine code that identifies the block. However, finding the delta for your block can be a bit challenging if you don’t know where to look. 

To find the Delta:

  1. Open the Blocks listing page
  2. Locate the block you want to embed on your page. 
  3. Hover over the configure link for that block and you’ll see reference code in the status bar for the block. 
    Example: admin/structure/block/manage/views/portfolio-block_1/configure
    portfolio-block_1 is the delta

Using Insert Block

  1. Enable the module – Modules > Insert Block – click on the check box and Save.
  2. Configure Filtered Text format to accept Insert Block code.
    • Configuration > Content Authoring > Text Formats > Filtered HTML
    • Scroll down and locate Insert Blocks under Enabled Filters
      Insert Blocks Configure
    • Save configuration.
  3. Insert the following code into the location of your page and adjust it to point to the block.

– where name of module is the name of the module that created the block i.e. views
– delta of block is the machine name discussed in the section above i.e. portfolio-block_1 .

  • Save the page.


This is a Block create from a View that displays the 3 YaleSites Themes.

Standard (Default)