
Module Type: 
Sitewide Tags: 

Workbench is a suite of modules to simplify content management. There are five Workbench modules:

  • Workbench - foundation module that is necessary for all the other modules.
  • Workbench Moderation - allows you to create workflow states, transitions and provide permissions to indicate who can do what.
  • Workbench Files - deprecated - should use Workbench Media to manage files.
  • Workbench Access - provides access to specific sections of the site based on taxonomy or menus.
  • Workbench Media - requires the use Media module, which is not used to manage images and other assets for your YaleSites.

Workbench Moderation

Workbench Moderation is the module that does the bulk of the work when developing your workflow process. It allows you to create workflow states, manage transitions from one state to another, and set permissions for the various roles and states.

Workflow States

Workflow States allows you to define the various states of the content and who has access to those states.

Go to Configuration -> Workbench -> Workbench Moderation. The following Workflow states are available.

  • Draft
  • Ready for Review
  • Published

You can add additional states as necessary.


Transitions define how the process moves from one state to the other i.e. Draft to Published. To set the transitions:

  1. Click on the Transitions tab
  2. Choose new transition from and to

Enabling Moderation on Content Types

In order for Workbench to be part of the publishing process, it needs to be assigned to each content type.

  1. Go to Publishing Options -> Create a new revision
  2. Then click on Enable moderation of revisions.
  3. Choose the Default moderation state (Draft if recommended).
  4. The Workbench block is now available in the Disabled area of the blocks listing. You can move this to any region (above or below the content is recommended).

Check Permissions

  • Each role is given permission to perform specific tasks on the workflow state for the relevant content types.
  • Make sure to enable “View Content Permissions” and “Revert content revisions” is turned on to moderate content.
  • To publish they must have “Administer content” Drupal Core permissions (User Management ).

Using the Diff modules

When the Diff module is enabled, it allows you to view changes from one revision to another. An Inline diff Block is listed in the disabled listing of Blocks.

  1. Add the Inline diff Block to content bottom and a drop-down with the versions displays (preferably the same location as the Workbench Moderation).
  2. Selecting the version shows changes and additions.

Workbench Files

Provides the ability to view files that have been uploaded to the site. Any file that is uploaded is listed here. The default view also lists the URL to the file, a thumbnail of the images, etc. 

Workbench Access

Allows you to restrict access to specific sections on your site based on a menu or taxonomy settings.

  • With Workbench Access you can set permissions so that people can view, edit, and publish pages for specific sections based on taxonomy or menu settings.
  • Workbench Access is NOT necessary to provide workflow publishing with transitions. It should only be used if you want to restrict access to specific sections.

Workbench Access Configuration

Enable the module separately from Workbench Moderation and set permissions as desired.

  1. The Settings tab provides the ability to restrict by:
    • Menu or Taxonomy
    • Indicate which Menu or Taxonomy
    • Specific Content types that you would use this type of access for.
  2. The Sections tab allows you to indicate which sections you want to provide access to.

Important Note(s):

  • Using multiple Access modules can cause conflicts. We only recommend using this module to control access to specific sections of your site (Taxonomy, or on a specific menu).
  • Using Workbench Access restricts access to a section by Taxonomy or Menus SITE WIDE. You cannot do some sections by taxonomy and/or others by menu.
  • You can restrict it to specific content types, taxonomy or menus, but not to individual pages.
  • This module does not allow restricting access to view content.

Providing Access

Access can be provided by role or to a specific person:

  • Editors tab – allows you to add individuals by user ID.
  • Roles – allows you to select the role who will have permission to make the change. Each term checked in Sections can have a role set to it.
  • Editors – you can also set access for individuals.

Add Access control on each content type

In addition to configuring Workbench Access, you need to indicate you want to use Workbench Access in each Content Type.

  1. Access the Content Type and click on the Edit tab (if it is not already clicked).
  2. Click on the Publishing Options vertical tab and click the Enforce Workbench Access control checkbox.